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Mass effect andromeda crack youtube

You are depriving them of that when you download the game and don't pay.

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Money is finite, though, and each game (if acquired properly) has an intrinsic monetary value attached. I know games aren't finite - did I say they weren't? - so you don't have to explain that ground-shakingly obvious premise. Games arnt a finite commodity that the devs lose some of when you pirate it, If you didn't want it that bad, you wouldn't have pirated it, and if you couldn't pirate it, you're saying you suddenly wouldn't want it anymore? Don't fucking lie to me. You are taking what should be paying for. No, it's not stealing, that I know - but it's piracy, plain and simple. You got the product and didn't pay for it. And I'm sure most people here know what they're doing. You still fucking got the game, so of course you had a desire to play it - without the option to pirate it, you definitely would have bought it. The "I wouldn't buy it anyway" argument is just as phony. Only way it isn't a lost sale is if you go ahead and buy it afterwards, or if you already bought it once before. You really think denuvo is so bad that paying for the game shatters your morals?

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What's more likely: someone gets something for free because they're cheap, or because they want to "stick it to the man", Mr S? Every time I see a pirate make the " accessibility/DRM" argument, I laugh at the pettiness of the bullshit excuse.

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Well guess what? They still didn't buy the fucking game.

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There are cases, sure, where people pirate only because they can't afford or just want to try the game out. It is a convenient and relatively safe way to get something for free. How am I misunderstanding economy here? Either explain that, or your "take an economy course" epithet is useless, because clearly you're talking bullshit. Oh, so you're telling me that if piracy wasn't possible that game sales wouldn't suddenly grow? You're telling me that everyone pirates to be part of some phony social movement?

Mass effect andromeda crack youtube